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Welcome to our Coral Primary School Blog. In keeping with the Digital Age, we decided to opt for a blog to update you on happenings in the school instead of continuing the publication of Coralite - a hardcopy newsletter, published twice a year. A blog has the advantages of providing the most up-to-date information as well as ready accessibility. We hope you will enjoy reading the school blog.

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January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
June 2007
July 2007

P3 Inquiry-based Learning
Tour to Agrotechnology Park
Appreciation Day 2007
Trip To The Bird Park
Sports Leaders Camp 2007
Chinese New Year Celebration 2007
Food From The Heart
Kampong Glam
Total Defence Day
Character Idol @Singapore Idol

P3 Inquiry-based Learning
Monday, July 09, 2007

The workshop was conducted on 4 days in the 9th and 10th week of Term 2. Pupils were taught what a hypothesis was and from there different experiments were carried out on various topics. For example, how mealworm react to different stimuli or why certain fruits turn brown when left in the open for some time.

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The students were like young scientists trying to discover why certain things happen and how they could go about testing their hypothesis. They enjoyed the hands-on activities and were very excited as they went through the 4 day workshop.

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 Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry  at 7:04 AM

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