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Welcome to our Coral Primary School Blog. In keeping with the Digital Age, we decided to opt for a blog to update you on happenings in the school instead of continuing the publication of Coralite - a hardcopy newsletter, published twice a year. A blog has the advantages of providing the most up-to-date information as well as ready accessibility. We hope you will enjoy reading the school blog.

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January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
June 2007
July 2007

Total Defence Day
Character Idol @Singapore Idol
Learning Journey to Chinatown
CCA Promotion Day
Release of PSLE Results 2006

Kampong Glam
Sunday, March 18, 2007

As part of our National Education (NE) programme, the school had organised a Kampong Glam Heritage Tour for our P4 pupils on Wednesday, 7 February to help our P4 pupils enrich his/her personal experience. We hope that while enjoying the sights and knowledge of Kampong Glam, our pupils will be motivated to learn more about our forefathers.

Named after the Glam tree which used to grow in the area, Kampong Glam was the historic seat of Malay royalty. Today, the former Istana Kampong Glam (Sultan’s palace) has been converted into a heritage museum, the Malay Heritage Centre, to showcase the rich history and culture of Singapore’s Malay community.

With the exposure to diverse customs, traditions and religions in our country, we hope that our pupils would share a common bond. This will not only contribute to having a sense of pride in the rich diversity of Singapore’s heritage, but also promote racial harmony.

Trained STB facilitators guided the pupils in the tour. Worksheets were provided for them to enhance their learning

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Its shopping time!
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Facilitator: This is how we wear the 'sarong'.

Below are some of our pupils’ reflections:

“I like the trip and I learnt a lot more about the Malays”. Nabilah P4/2

“During my trip to Kampong Glam, I have learnt a lot more about Malay Heritage. We went to many interesting places like the Sultan Mosque, the Malay Heritage Centre and for the first time I saw a Glam tree”. Tai Huay Yi P4/3

“I hope I can go there again with my family and friends to see the Glam tree, the Mosque and etc”. Hazel Teo Wei Ning P4/3

“We visit Kampong Glam because we want to understand our Malay friends. We also want to learn about the landmark of the Kampong Glam”. Tang Kai Lin P4/5

“The best part was when we played at the open ground near the Sultan Palace. After this Learning Journey to Kampong Glam, I have learned a lot of new things about the Malay culture”. Isaac Loh P4/5

 Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry  at 7:04 AM

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