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Welcome to our Coral Primary School Blog. In keeping with the Digital Age, we decided to opt for a blog to update you on happenings in the school instead of continuing the publication of Coralite - a hardcopy newsletter, published twice a year. A blog has the advantages of providing the most up-to-date information as well as ready accessibility. We hope you will enjoy reading the school blog.

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January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
June 2007
July 2007

Character Idol @Singapore Idol
Learning Journey to Chinatown
CCA Promotion Day
Release of PSLE Results 2006

Total Defence Day
Sunday, March 18, 2007

The theme for this year was “Confidence, Cohesion and Commitment”. We commemorated this day on the 15 February 2007 to avoid clashes with the Lunar New Year celebration.

As an introduction to the commemoration, video clips were screened clips during morning Tuning-in programme.

A skit titled “Founder’s Day” was performed by D’rama Arts during the weekly assembly period on 9 February 2007.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

As part of the effort to commemorate this special day, the In-Place Protection and Fire Drill exercises were conducted for the AM and PM session pupils respectively. Every pupil in the morning session was involved in the modified exercise of IPP. Pupils were required to seal a panel of windows, the rear door and improvise a toilet. All pupils including the asthmatics took part with much enthusiasm. During the exercise, the lights and fans were switched on, front doors and most of the windows were left open to allow for ventilation. When the sealing had been completed, the lights and fans were switched off, doors and windows were closed for just one minute to allow pupils to experience what it was like to be in an enclosed area without any ventilation. Pupils were assigned different duties and they also took turns to try out different tasks. The whole exercise lasted for about an hour.

Total Defence related posters were erected at the NE corner. They were up for display for a fortnight (15 to 28 February). To encourage active participation, NE Department had collaborated with the Library to put up quizzes for P3 to P6 pupils. Pupils were encouraged to take part in the quiz through advertisement in the morning announcement put up by the library committee. The answer to the quiz could be found on the posters. Parent-volunteers also chipped in to help in sorting out the winners. Points were awarded to the class in each level with the highest correct entries.

 Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry  at 7:04 AM

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