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Welcome to our Coral Primary School Blog. In keeping with the Digital Age, we decided to opt for a blog to update you on happenings in the school instead of continuing the publication of Coralite - a hardcopy newsletter, published twice a year. A blog has the advantages of providing the most up-to-date information as well as ready accessibility. We hope you will enjoy reading the school blog.

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January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
June 2007
July 2007

Kampong Glam
Total Defence Day
Character Idol @Singapore Idol
Learning Journey to Chinatown
CCA Promotion Day
Release of PSLE Results 2006

Food From The Heart
Sunday, March 18, 2007

In our effort to inculcate a sense of caring and empathy for the needy and less fortunate, the CME department organized for the Primary 3 and Primary 5 pupils to help in the collection of canned food for Singapore Cheshire Home.

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It is our hope that through this activity, the pupils will be able to recognize that there are people in our community that face difficulties in their lives and need help and that they can make a contribution to help these people.

Response was overwhelming with over 600 canned food collected. Many P4, P6 pupils and teachers showed their compassion too even though it was not compulsory for them to do so.
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Well done, Coralites!

 Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry  at 7:04 AM

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