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Welcome to our Coral Primary School Blog. In keeping with the Digital Age, we decided to opt for a blog to update you on happenings in the school instead of continuing the publication of Coralite - a hardcopy newsletter, published twice a year. A blog has the advantages of providing the most up-to-date information as well as ready accessibility. We hope you will enjoy reading the school blog.

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January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
June 2007
July 2007

Chinese New Year Celebration 2007
Food From The Heart
Kampong Glam
Total Defence Day
Character Idol @Singapore Idol
Learning Journey to Chinatown
CCA Promotion Day
Release of PSLE Results 2006

Sports Leaders Camp 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007

During the March holidays, a group of students from the respective Sports CCAs attended the first ever Sports Leaders Camp. The aim of this camp is to train our young Coralites in organizing sport or recreation for the other Coralites and help to develop vital skills such as managing oneself and others, teamwork and communication.

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Mr Shafii kicked off the camp with an introduction to Sports Leaders Awards.

Students from different CCAs then brainstormed on what a successful team is all about.
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After brainstorming, we went for a 'Gallery Walk' whereby each group took turns to present their ideas and thoughts.

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Next, was the teambuilding game. They had to stand on the a groundsheet and flipped it to the other side while still standing on the groundsheet.
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From that activity, they had learnt that a successful team is not a team that wins the most goals or scores the most points but a successful team is a team that is able to work together in harmony.

On the 2nd session of the camp, the students learnt the different types of tournaments and factors to consider in organizing a tournament.

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They then got together and planned a mock floorball tournament.

Its practical time!

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Mr Shafii briefed the students on how to conduct a tournament briefing as well as the game's rules and regulations.

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Khairy of 5/4: I love this game!

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Coralites, put your hands together for our pioneer batch Coral Sports Leaders! They will put the skills they have acquired into practice by promoting and organizing sports competition in Term 3 and Term 4 so look out for them!

To view more pictures of the camp, please click on this link: Sports Leaders Camp 2007

 Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry  at 7:04 AM

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