Welcome to our Coral Primary School Blog. In keeping with the Digital Age, we decided to opt for a blog to update you on happenings in the school instead of continuing the publication of Coralite - a hardcopy newsletter, published twice a year. A blog has the advantages of providing the most up-to-date information as well as ready accessibility. We hope you will enjoy reading the school blog.
P3 Inquiry-based Learning
Monday, July 09, 2007
The workshop was conducted on 4 days in the 9th and 10th week of Term 2. Pupils were taught what a hypothesis was and from there different experiments were carried out on various topics. For example, how mealworm react to different stimuli or why certain fruits turn brown when left in the open for some time.
The students were like young scientists trying to discover why certain things happen and how they could go about testing their hypothesis. They enjoyed the hands-on activities and were very excited as they went through the 4 day workshop.
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Tour to Agrotechnology Park
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
As part of our National Education (NE) programme, the school had organised a tour to the Agrotechnology Park (Oh Chin Huat Hydroponics Farm, Nippon Koi Farm, Dairy Farm) for our P3 pupils on Friday, 25 May 2007.
We had organised the tour to help our P3 pupils enrich his/her personal experience. Agrotechnology Parks have been set up in Singapore to allow us to produce some of our own food today while minimising the amount of land to be used. This tour provided great insight for the pupils to appreciate how some of the high-tech farms in Singapore are maintained.
Below are some of our pupils’ post-trip reflections:
“Although Singapore has limited land, it is interesting to see how we can still manage different types of farm using modern methods of farming. We learnt how to grow hydroponics vegetables.” Lee Yan Yi, P3/2
“I have learnt how to milk cows and that koi fish can grow up to a length of 30cm. Nur Tafina, P3/2
“We must take good care of our environment.” Kathlyn Gaile del Rosaria, P3/4
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Appreciation Day 2007
Appreciation Day 2007 was held on 30 March 2007. Representatives from Parent Volunteer Group, Executive and Administrative staff and canteen vendors were invited to the event. Ms Ang shared with the pupils the importance of being appreciative towards all non-teaching staff of the school. A photo presentation was shown to the pupils on that day. It highlighted how and what the non-teaching staff had been helping the school. They were indeed the heroes behind the scene!
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Trip To The Bird Park
Primary Two pupils were off to the Jurong Bird Park. They headed straight to the Bird Show.
While waiting for the show to commence, they had their breakfast.
These are the pupils from 2/5 posing with the flamingoes!
These are red saga seeds not Skittles!
Thank you teachers! We had an enjoyable time there!
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Sports Leaders Camp 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
During the March holidays, a group of students from the respective Sports CCAs attended the first ever Sports Leaders Camp. The aim of this camp is to train our young Coralites in organizing sport or recreation for the other Coralites and help to develop vital skills such as managing oneself and others, teamwork and communication.
Mr Shafii kicked off the camp with an introduction to Sports Leaders Awards.
Students from different CCAs then brainstormed on what a successful team is all about.
After brainstorming, we went for a 'Gallery Walk' whereby each group took turns to present their ideas and thoughts.
Next, was the teambuilding game. They had to stand on the a groundsheet and flipped it to the other side while still standing on the groundsheet.
From that activity, they had learnt that a successful team is not a team that wins the most goals or scores the most points but a successful team is a team that is able to work together in harmony.
On the 2nd session of the camp, the students learnt the different types of tournaments and factors to consider in organizing a tournament.
They then got together and planned a mock floorball tournament.
Its practical time!
Mr Shafii briefed the students on how to conduct a tournament briefing as well as the game's rules and regulations.
Khairy of 5/4: I love this game!
Coralites, put your hands together for our pioneer batch Coral Sports Leaders! They will put the skills they have acquired into practice by promoting and organizing sports competition in Term 3 and Term 4 so look out for them!
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Chinese New Year Celebration 2007
The reunion breakfast/ lunch started this year’s Chinese New Year celebrations with a rousing bang. Chinese New Year was made even more meaningful with Coralites having reunion breakfast/ lunch with their fellow classmates and teachers.
 After which, the pupils were treated to rousing performances by the school's various CCA groups. The wushu display was a definite crowd-pleaser.
 Even the God of Fortune paid us a visit amidst the song and dance routines, causing much excitement among the students with his 'golden coins'. However, it was the P4 “Walking Ang Pow” and P6 “God of Fortune” competitions that enthralled the pupils.
The celebrations ended with staff and pupils singing Chinese New Year songs to mark the beginning of a blessed and prosperous new year.
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Food From The Heart
In our effort to inculcate a sense of caring and empathy for the needy and less fortunate, the CME department organized for the Primary 3 and Primary 5 pupils to help in the collection of canned food for Singapore Cheshire Home.
It is our hope that through this activity, the pupils will be able to recognize that there are people in our community that face difficulties in their lives and need help and that they can make a contribution to help these people.
Response was overwhelming with over 600 canned food collected. Many P4, P6 pupils and teachers showed their compassion too even though it was not compulsory for them to do so.
Well done, Coralites!
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Kampong Glam
As part of our National Education (NE) programme, the school had organised a Kampong Glam Heritage Tour for our P4 pupils on Wednesday, 7 February to help our P4 pupils enrich his/her personal experience. We hope that while enjoying the sights and knowledge of Kampong Glam, our pupils will be motivated to learn more about our forefathers.
Named after the Glam tree which used to grow in the area, Kampong Glam was the historic seat of Malay royalty. Today, the former Istana Kampong Glam (Sultan’s palace) has been converted into a heritage museum, the Malay Heritage Centre, to showcase the rich history and culture of Singapore’s Malay community.
With the exposure to diverse customs, traditions and religions in our country, we hope that our pupils would share a common bond. This will not only contribute to having a sense of pride in the rich diversity of Singapore’s heritage, but also promote racial harmony.
Trained STB facilitators guided the pupils in the tour. Worksheets were provided for them to enhance their learning
Its shopping time!
Facilitator: This is how we wear the 'sarong'.
Below are some of our pupils’ reflections:
“I like the trip and I learnt a lot more about the Malays”. Nabilah P4/2
“During my trip to Kampong Glam, I have learnt a lot more about Malay Heritage. We went to many interesting places like the Sultan Mosque, the Malay Heritage Centre and for the first time I saw a Glam tree”. Tai Huay Yi P4/3
“I hope I can go there again with my family and friends to see the Glam tree, the Mosque and etc”. Hazel Teo Wei Ning P4/3
“We visit Kampong Glam because we want to understand our Malay friends. We also want to learn about the landmark of the Kampong Glam”. Tang Kai Lin P4/5
“The best part was when we played at the open ground near the Sultan Palace. After this Learning Journey to Kampong Glam, I have learned a lot of new things about the Malay culture”. Isaac Loh P4/5
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Total Defence Day
The theme for this year was “Confidence, Cohesion and Commitment”. We commemorated this day on the 15 February 2007 to avoid clashes with the Lunar New Year celebration.
As an introduction to the commemoration, video clips were screened clips during morning Tuning-in programme.
A skit titled “Founder’s Day” was performed by D’rama Arts during the weekly assembly period on 9 February 2007.
As part of the effort to commemorate this special day, the In-Place Protection and Fire Drill exercises were conducted for the AM and PM session pupils respectively. Every pupil in the morning session was involved in the modified exercise of IPP. Pupils were required to seal a panel of windows, the rear door and improvise a toilet. All pupils including the asthmatics took part with much enthusiasm. During the exercise, the lights and fans were switched on, front doors and most of the windows were left open to allow for ventilation. When the sealing had been completed, the lights and fans were switched off, doors and windows were closed for just one minute to allow pupils to experience what it was like to be in an enclosed area without any ventilation. Pupils were assigned different duties and they also took turns to try out different tasks. The whole exercise lasted for about an hour.
Total Defence related posters were erected at the NE corner. They were up for display for a fortnight (15 to 28 February). To encourage active participation, NE Department had collaborated with the Library to put up quizzes for P3 to P6 pupils. Pupils were encouraged to take part in the quiz through advertisement in the morning announcement put up by the library committee. The answer to the quiz could be found on the posters. Parent-volunteers also chipped in to help in sorting out the winners. Points were awarded to the class in each level with the highest correct entries.
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Character Idol @Singapore Idol
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
In partnership with TOUCH Community Services, our pupils are in a special TOUCH Character Programmes in the year 2007. TOUCH Community Services is a voluntary welfare organisation that focuses on providing character & developmental programmes to schools. The aim is to further develop students’ character & self-esteem that each child can fulfil their dreams in life. On 25 January 2007, thirteen P6 pupils spent their afternoon under the hot sun walking along the Singapore River. They were there to learn a little bit of Singapore history. There, they visited a few historical sites along the river, namely the Statue of Sir Stamford Raffles and Mr Lim Bo Seng, two great historical figures of Singapore history.
Who are they impersonating?
They are impersonating the founder of Singapore. Any striking resemblance?
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Learning Journey to Chinatown
As part of our National Education programme, we had organized a Chinatown Heritage Tour on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 from 8:15 am – 12:30 pm to help our P6 pupils to enrich his or her personal experience while enjoying the sights and knowledge of Chinatown. We hope this tour would motivate our pupils to learn more about our national treasure found here. It is important for our younger generations to grow up knowing these special historical facts of our past as they will grow to become the future leaders for our country. Till today, Chinatown remains as a place of interest for Chinese and tourists alike, especially during Chinese New Year. Pupils visited different communities in Chinatown. They would be able to understand the multi-racial tolerance and harmony among our major ethnic groups in Singapore. Trained STB facilitators guided the pupils in the tour. Worksheets were provided for them to enhance their learning.

Here are some of our pupils’ reflections: Md Syaquille Tan of P6/2: It was the greatest excursion we got to Chinatown in a chartered bus. While we were in the bus, well, I could say that we made quite a lot of noise. Also on our way there, the guide explained to us some facts about Chinatown and its history. When we arrived at Telok Ayer Street in Chinatown, we got off the bus and divided the class into three groups. Rafie, Bernard and I were the only boys in the group. And what’s worse is that there were 7 girls in my group!! But hey! It wasn't so bad. I’ll tell you why later. After we had been placed in groups, we went into a temple. The guide wanted us to identify the gender of the lions and why they are at the entrance. After that, she gave us some questions to figure out. I won most of the points for my group only at that part of the temple. There we learned many historic tales of the Chinese and the temples. After the visit to the temple, we went to the URA building (Urban Redevelopment Authorities) and found out future developments and other interesting facts. It was quite a “suffering” to leave the URA because it has so many small models that are cool. In the end, I left the URA and headed for the shop-houses for our treasure hunt. It was the most chaotic part of the excursion. We rushed against time to search for names of shops, facts and addresses. After the scores were calculated, the guide announced that our group won!! I was flabbergasted. Well, being the only three boys in the group wasn’t so bad after all. I was glad that my group won. We collected our prizes and were lead to the bus. We waved goodbye to our guide and took a bus home. When we arrived in school, we all were exhausted but the great thing was we learned more about the Chinese culture.
Cheryl Goh Xue Qing of P6/6: I am very happy with the visit that was well organized and informative. I also find the worksheets very enriching. It helped me gained more knowledge and helped me to understand better. We went to Chinatown to understand and appreciate the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people and to share a common bond which will hold our society together as a people and as a nation. I had also learnt more about the Malay, Indian and Chinese cultures and traditions. The tour was not only fascinating and interesting, but was also impressive. It was truly a fruitful trip for me. I hope that I could go to Chinatown or a learning journey trip again.
Nathaniel Gan Jia Wei P6/7: I learnt that Singapore is capable of keeping old buildings and I also learnt that Chinatown is in fact a multi-racial district. I like the sweets that they sell too.
Nazia P6/8: How our forefathers used to live…
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
CCA Promotion Day
CCA is an important component of a pupil's all-round and holistic education. In Coral Primary School, we believe that CCA will help to build a pupil’s character and instil in the child, values that will put him/her in good stead in the future. During the CCA Promotion Day, various CCA groups had set up booths to 'attract' newcomers to join their CCA. Here's a closer look on how the day went.
Both CCA leaders and teachers working together in setting up the booth
Even the Parent Volunteers roped in!
Its 'showing off' time now.
Some even signed up on the spot!
Emerlyn Ng: Ladies and Gentlemen.... Please gather around, our show is about to start soon.
Let's put our hands together for the duet performance!
Welcome to the Chinese Dance!
Hong Jian: Who says only girls can dance?
Charlie's Angels: Join the Malay Dance!
The girls had their fun share too!
Drama Club giving away free 'make-overs'.
Most importantly, both pupils and teachers had fun working together!
Mr Razlee uploaded a school entry at 7:04 AM
Interactive Corner